Quartiere Triennale 8, Milano

AIG Ostello della Gioventù

The Ostello della Gioventù Piero Rotta was inaugurated in 1960 and built according to the project of the architect Righini.
In 2008 a project of requalification of the whole structure began in order to adapt it to the “Hostelling International” standards.
Five consecutive phases of work were planned, without interrupting the hospitality activity.
Work started from the roof and the third floor, and descended, for logistic and plant engineering reasons, since the Hostel continued its hospitality activity. A new plant was created, keeping the existing one working on the lower floors and disengaging it from the newly built plants.
The project created single, two bed, three bed, and four bed rooms with a toilet in each room, as opposed to the six-bed dormitory rooms with shared bathrooms.
In the renovation project the utmost attention was paid to the containment of energy consumption and the eco-compatibility of the materials used. The guidelines were followed in order to obtain a LEED certification.
The Municipality of Milan, the owner of the property, saw in this initiative the opportunity to make the Hostel a model for the renovation of low cost accommodation facilities for sustainable tourism.

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